The purpose of the Eco-Roof program is to provide incentives to commercial, industrial and institutional property owners so that Toronto’s building stock becomes more sustainable and better adapted to climate change. The program is intended to complement the proposed Toronto Green Roof Bylaw and the Green Standard (formerly the “Toronto Green Development Standard”) by encouraging owners to take advantage of their roof space. An “eco-roof” would include green roofs that support vegetation and cool roofs that reflect the sun’s thermal energy.
The Eco-roof program provides incentives for the retrofit of ICI buildings in Toronto’s designated employment areas. On a one year pilot basis, the program would also provide incentives for new large buildings citywide that are subject to the
proposed Green Roof Bylaw requirements. The program would provide incentives of $50/ square metre of green roof up to $100,000 per award and $2-$5 / square metre of cool roof up to $50,000 per award. Initial funding for Eco-Roofs was approved in 2007, totalling $2.4 million over 5 years. Additional funding of $200,000 per year would be provided by Toronto Water to be specifically allocated to green roof projects.
Source: City of Toronto
Publication Date: October 2008