Welcome to the Knowledge Base Help Page. This page provides some tips for using this site and explanations for the type of content found in each searchable category. Please email if you have questions that are not addressed below.
Tips for Using this Knowledge Base:
1) enter your keyword or phrase into the search box,
2) check the categories to further filter your search, and
3) click the green “go” button. To start a new search, click “clear filters” under the search box.
Featured Topics: Featured topics are groups of related content that are periodically rotated. They may be materials and images from a conference, a focus on a particular city or policy initiative, or curated content addressing a particular research issue.
Case Studies: Includes descriptions of discrete projects describing the implementation and outcome. Case studies could be building-level, an evaluation of a policy/program, or impact modeling of regional or national scale benefits and costs.
Codes/Standards/Laws: Includes any materials covering voluntary or mandatory building codes and standards, laws, mandates, procurement specifications, or other statutory approaches.
Evaluation Tools: Includes descriptions or links to both consumer-focused cool surface cost/benefit calculators and materials describing models used by researchers (e.g., economic, meteorological, climate, and etc.).
Program Materials: Includes public-facing program content and descriptions of policies and programs (excluding those covered in Codes/Standards/Laws).
Sample Program Documents: Includes internal documentation used by existing programs. This category captures material intended to act as templates for others looking to implement similar programs.
Scientific Literature: Includes research published in journals, conference proceedings, or via institutions.
Research Topics
Cool Materials Science: Content that focuses on material properties, including new cool surface technologies, weathering, aging, material testing and more.
Global Climate – Content that focuses on the regional and global impact of urban heat islands and cool surfaces. Issues such as global cooling potentials are included here.
Urban Heat Island – Content that focuses on the urban and regional impact of urban heat islands and cool surfaces.
Key Issues – Key Issues further categorizes content based on impacts described in the material.
Technologies – Technologies categorizes material based on the type of cool surface it addresses. More Cool Technologies incorporates all other cool surfaces not covered in the explicit categories for Roofs, Pavements, and Vegetation and Shade Trees. Examples include solar PV, rooftop technologies to reduce urban heat, and more.
Region: Identifies the geographic areas covered in the material. More specific locations are included as tags and can be searched using the custom search box above the category column.
Media Type: Media type allows the user to filter searches based on content type.